
A basic guide to troubleshooting trauma performance improvement 

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Authored by Angie Chisolm, MBA, BSN, RN, CFRN, TCRN. As published by Trauma System News, October 7, 2020.

Effective solutions to some of the most common problems in trauma PI


Performance improvement (PI) is a critical part of a successful trauma program. However, designing effective PI initiatives is a challenge. And even the most experienced PI pros can struggle to keep up with the caseload generated by a busy trauma center.


To learn effective solutions to some of the most common problems in trauma PI, download A Basic Guide to Troubleshooting Trauma Performance Improvement. The white paper covers: 


  • Basic principles for demonstrating PI loop closure 
  • Effective options for addressing provider-related PI issues 
  • Time-saving tactics for managing the PI workload
  • Strategies for engaging key stakeholders in trauma PI
  • Generating hard financial numbers that demonstrate the value of trauma PI to hospital executives


Download the white paper from Trauma System News A basic guide to troubleshooting trauma performance improvement 


About the author

Beth Fuller

Angie Chisolm, MBA/HCM, BSN, RN, CFRN, TCRN

Consulting Manager

Angie is a nationally recognized expert in trauma program and emergency services management. She is a results-driven leader with expertise in trauma program operations, providing mentoring and consulting focused on coding and billing, site survey readiness, performance improvement, and operational efficiency. 

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